Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Tips For A Productive Day

Hello my lovelies!
For me one of the best feelings is when you can think to yourself 'today has been productive'. Whether this means getting all your tasks completed, learning a new skill or simply having a good day! If I've felt the day has been productive, it's a day not wasted and is to be proud of. 
For me a productive day is always surrounding my blog. I love getting further and bettering The Porcelain Doll, whether it be photography I'm pleased with, a HTML code doing its job or writing a fabulous post!

Below are my top tips for creating a productive day. 

Early Start
This is a definitely for me! When I'm out of bed in time to see Jeremy Kyle I feel as though I've got my shizz sorted. An early start means you've got a blank canvas and a full day of creating something beautiful yet still have some you time. I can get caught up with the morning gossip whilst having my hot chocolate and toast, and then crack on with my day of working!

Starting Before 11am
I love a lazy morning as much as the next gal, but I find it all the more difficult to get myself into gear and start my work after 11 am. If in my mind I know I want a worthwhile day of blogging I'm generally either on my phone or laptop just after breakfast. Not only am I full of life, energy and brimming ideas but I often feel the best things always get achieved early in the day!

Spend Time Achieving Tasks 
If my planned task takes longer than anticipated I'll spend a good while trying to get it right. I like putting hard work in to see the final results. I find it so satisfying when I've worked hard on something and finally get it perfect! As a perfectionist it really bothers me if something isn't quite on point so I will go back and forth until I deem it good enough in my eyes. 
Move On To Other Tasks
Contradicting my previous statement, if I've spent over two-three hours and just can't achieve my goal, I will move on. Nothing spoils my day than spending the full daylight hours on one thing when I could have five other tasks completed. I know when enough is enough and I'll move on, cheering myself up by starting and finishing another job elsewhere. I often find also leaving something you're struggling with and then returning maybe an hour or two later suddenly you've managed to do it!

Be Finished By 8pm
In my ideal world my posts would go live at 8pm, my post for the following day would be written and my laptop closed. Obviously this isn't a perfect world, however for the majority of productive days I do like to finish work before 8 which means I can still enjoy some of my soaps, relax in a bubble bath for a while and then get cosy in bed for an early night!

These are my tips for a productive day, what are yours?