About Me


Thank you for stumbling onto my about me page. I’m Charlotte and I’m twenty-three from the Wirral (just practicing for Take Me Out). 

I’m a light skinned brunette who is usually rocking a red lip. My humour matches my dark vibes, so be prepared for sarcasm and witty remarks, I’ll apologise in advance

I created The Porcelain Doll in 2016 as a mainly lifestyle blog, however as my love for blogging grew so did my beauty product collection. My blog now is primarily beauty with a sprinkle of lifestyle, most likely featuring my two main men - my dogs. 

As you can see I’m in a wheelchair, I have Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair to get around (especially when I’m wearing heels). I’ve always found writing helped on my down days which is why blogging became my hobby, it helps me escape reality. 

When I’m not around on my blog you’ll find me on social media, probably posting dog photos!

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and don’t forget to get in touch

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